Exercism - Hamming(With.Kotlin)문제풀이/Exercism 2019. 7. 21. 10:07
[문제] Calculate the Hamming Distance between two DNA strands. Your body is made up of cells that contain DNA. Those cells regularly wear out and need replacing, which they achieve by dividing into daughter cells. In fact, the average human body experiences about 10 quadrillion cell divisions in a lifetime! When cells divide, their DNA replicates too. Sometimes during this process mistakes happen ..
Exercism - RNA Transcription(With.Kotlin)문제풀이/Exercism 2019. 7. 16. 22:33
[문제] Given a DNA strand, return its RNA complement (per RNA transcription). Both DNA and RNA strands are a sequence of nucleotides. The four nucleotides found in DNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and thymine (T). The four nucleotides found in RNA are adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) and uracil (U). Given a DNA strand, its transcribed RNA strand is formed by replacing each nucl..
Exercism - Twofer (with.Kotlin)문제풀이/Exercism 2019. 7. 16. 00:41
[문제] Two-fer or 2-fer is short for two for one. One for you and one for me. Given a name, return a string with the message: One for X, one for me. Where X is the given name. However, if the name is missing, return the string: One for you, one for me. Here are some examples: NameString to return Alice One for Alice, one for me. Bob One for Bob, one for me. One for you, one for me. Zaphod One for ..
exercism submit 방법문제풀이/Exercism 2019. 7. 10. 22:10
https://dnight.tistory.com/entry/exercism-%EC%84%A4%EC%B9%98-%EB%B0%A9%EB%B2%95 exercism 설치 방법 https://exercism.io Exercism Code Practice and Mentorship for Everyone. Level up your programming skills with 1,879 exercises across 38 languages, and insightful discussion with our dedicated team o.. dnight.tistory.com exercism 설치방법에 대해서는 이전에 작성해둔 글을 참고 해주시기 바랍니다. Kotlin의 HelloWorld 라는 튜토리얼을 예로 들겠습니다...
exercism 설치 방법문제풀이/Exercism 2019. 7. 9. 11:07
https://exercism.io Exercism Code Practice and Mentorship for Everyone. Level up your programming skills with 1,879 exercises across 38 languages, and insightful discussion with our dedicated team of welcoming mentors. Exercism is 100% free forever. exercism.io exercism 이라는 code 교육을 도와주는 솔루션 입니다. 언어는 C 부터 java , kotlin, javascript, switft 등등 SQL 이나 Bash 도 있습니다. 가입후 화면을 보면 자신이 배우고 싶은 언어를 선택 할 수 있..