Android11: The Beta Launch ShowAndroid 2020. 6. 4. 09:48반응형
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Welcome to Now in Android, your ongoing guide to what’s new and notable in the world of Android development. These videos cover content (in video form!) that...
Now in Android: 01 - Room, KTX Extensions, AndroidX, Conference Videos, ADB podcast & more! Now in Android: 02 - AndroidX releases, Android Studio 3.6 & 4.0 previews, Kotlin typealias Now in Android: 12 - AndroidX, dynamic feature modules, articles, and more! Now in Android: 13 - Android 11 preview, Android Studio 3.6 stable & 4.0 beta, material motion guide Now in Android: 14 - Android 11 Developer Preview 2, Android X releases, game development, and more! Now in Android: 15 - Android 11 features, AndroidX, videos, articles, and more! Now in Android: 16 - AndroidX releases, articles, videos, codelabs, samples, and more! Now in Android: 17 - Android 11 DP3, Articles, AndroidX releases, and a podcast Now in Android: 18 - Android 11, #Android11: The Beta Launch Show, articles, codelabs, and a podcast 반응형'Android' 카테고리의 다른 글
Gson v 2.8.6 공식 번역본 (0) 2020.10.14 ConstraintLayout에서 match_parent 가 작동 안될경우 (0) 2020.09.21 Hilt 공식 문서 번역본 (0) 2020.07.24 android Resources.getSystem() mocking 처리 (0) 2020.07.15 Android APK 파일 서명 (with. Apk Sign) (0) 2020.02.10 APKTOOL 설치 방법 (0) 2020.02.08 Build a Modular Android App Architecture (Google I/O'19) (0) 2020.02.07 Android .gitignore 내용 (0) 2020.01.27